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What is the phone number of a call center in Sofia? What are the phone numbers of emergency services in Sofia? How to call to Bulgaria?

Phone numbers of emergency services, call centers in Sofia - Bulgaria

List of important phone numbers in Bulgaria

Information below is partly outdated. To get the actual information, see at the internet directory.
Important phone numbers is Sofia.

Telephone numbers in Sofia (Bulgaria)

international dialing code of Sofia - "+359 (2)"
fire department - 160
police - 166
ambulance - 150
traffic police - 165
traffic accidents - 9827
telephone inquire service in Sofia - 144, 145
telephone inquire service in Bulgaria (whole country) - 987-31-31
breakage on the telephone landlines (telephone repairs) - 130
airport Sofia (airport phone help) - 937-22-13
central train station Sofia (train station phone help) - 931-11-11

Bulgarian-English dictionary for translation of the page "Important phone numbers is Sofia"

пожарна - fire department
полиция - police
бърза помощ - ambulance
автоинспекция КАТ - traffic police
КАТ-автопроизшествия - traffic accidents
телефонни справки за абонати от София - telephone inquire service in Sofia
телефонни справки за абонати от страната - telephone inquire service in Bulgaria (whole country)
телефонни повреди - breakage on the telephone landlines (telephone repairs)
летище София - airport Sofia
централна гара София - central train station Sofia
автогара "Овча купел" (Запад) - bus station "West" (Sofia)
автогара "Подуяне" - (central) bus station
автогара "Юг" (кв. "Изгрев") - bus station "South"
централна поща - central post
за нарушения в обменните бюра - violations in exchange offices
планинска спасителна служба - mountain rescue
точно време - time service
дежурни аптеки - pharmacies
прогноза за времето - weather forecast



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